Friday, December 10, 2010

Vote Eduardo President?

Eduardo wants to be president. He is a real nice guy, very friendly. But on his flier, he said “United we stand,” but with whom? Based upon the color contrast of his fliers being posted all over Raytheon, I suspect Eduardo may like the Communist Party. Maybe you should go for one of the other candidates if you like the Union. Keep Eduardo for a beer drinking buddy instead. That way his activities with radical left wing organizations won’t tempt him to use union assets to forward his political agenda.
Here are a few comments to go along with his flier, just for Eduardo’s entertainment.
Your Union was declining in membership at RMS. What did you do to fix it? New growth is from organizing other sites. Raytheon remains about where it was three years ago.
You were in poor financial shape – couldn’t afford arbitration – couldn’t afford training, so you raised the dues by fifty percent! Thanks from the working class!
You were facing an aggressive union busting effort. You beat back the union busters & their attack on your union? What, with ghost busters t-shirts and rat buttons? Not exactly. We passed out petitions, we didn’t get enough signatures. Our efforts were not effective enough Eduardo, neither was yours.
You still claim you won the Lawsuit. I say you didn’t. The retirees did. Why don’t you to dispute my post from this blog dated Aug 25, 2008. Good luck on that.
Your accomplishment reads “With your help, we have successfully negotiated a contract”? How does that make you the best candidate for President of the Union?
You claim “We are ready for the next contract negotiations.” Really? Are you going to fix any of the things we complained about? Is ignoring the Ousties worth round two?
You say “We are ready for a strike should the company push us with take-a-ways.” No way! A Strike? Surely you know half your members would cross the first day if you dared. And what-if the Ousties organize a counter-strike? How effective will that make you? You should concern yourself with satisfying the Ousties biggest peeves. This union had a transformational experience last year. It not only has to deal with the company, but with other represented employees that are still angry with it. It affects the union’s potential for effective negotiations. There were a series of meetings early this year with a couple of the Ousties and some of the Union leadership. Your lack of regard for the union is demonstrated by your never going to these meetings. So I ask, why do you want the membership to vote for you Eduardo?