Sunday, September 13, 2009

Just the facts

This morning there is a meeting down at the Union Hall. I recommend you go if you want to express your ideas to the committees before the negotiation period begins. Lots of things are on the table today. RONA, 9/80s, Medical, & Pay are a few. Ask a Steward to bring this page up before the meeting at Union Hall.
While I did my morning chores, I took advantage of an old contract I found laying around and used it to illustrate the differences in pay growth over the past decade & 1/2. To those who called me selfish, read it and weep. These are the cold hard facts. Everyone didn't get a fair shake over the past 16 years. Some fared better than others, some faired quite poorly.
Look at all the trades that got 150% increase or less, while one group stands out. I would like to say that Jeff's idea of everyone getting equal growth would have prevented a large part of the rebellion. Jeff is for Equal growth. What says he now? Does anyone dispute these numbers? Is the Union willing to rectify this problem, or perpetuate it?
My request is to adjust raise in pay of all classifications until the growth rate of each of them is equal on the far right column. Percentage of growth is the true measurement of how the Union treats all of its workers regarding pay. When one classification runs away with all the profits, it leaves the rest of us with a bitter taste. Let the numbers speak for themselves. I want no more, nor no less than whatever is needed to balance the percentage of gains throughout the entire labor force. I feel all would agree that is fair. Mr. Watson, can you return the relative pay to the way it was back in October of 1993?
Of course, these are not the only gripes I had with the Union over the past couple of years. But since there is an important meeting today, I decided that this is a good place to start. Now is the time so the truth can be discussed in an open forum with the leadership of the Local Lodge.

Monday, September 7, 2009

Hat's off on Labor Day

Congratulations to the IAMAW Local Lodge 933 for winning this week’s Decertification Petition. A proper salute, in all fairness goes to the Union. Have your party now. Dance, drink and be merry. There is no hate. Today we are celebrating Labor Day where I respectfully take my hat off to Jimbo and the whole team he leads and offer congratulations.
As we have finished our campaign messages, we will continue to observe and comment on the direction the Union takes our labor force. We will criticize if we feel it’s needed. We’ll compliment when it’s appropriate. We’ll take on the role of watchdog for now, so we are not going away. As this entire campaign has been political in nature, we hope that nobody had their feeling too hurt. I plan to put my political hat in a corner for now and let the negotiation process take place.
Thank you Jeff, for an excellent debate. I read the comment section and do not feel an apology is in order. Congratulations are in order for your contribution to IAM933’s cause. Your constant arguments were in the best interest of your side and you represented your position very well. Although I don’t agree with you philosophically, I gather from your passion that you truly believe you work in the best interest of others. I wished that I had the chance to debate with members of the local at the level that you brought here to these pages. You truly are a champion of your cause.
Keep your eyes on November. If Jimbo takes our messages seriously, he will fix the problems that caused this rebellion. So enjoy your victory. Majority rules, remember? We'll kindly remind you of our ideas in October if we feel the need. For the next two months, your team can feel free to tell us what positive things your side is doing for the entire labor force. Lead by example. We’re all eyes and ears.
As a final comment, I present a challenge. A very important comment was made this weekend anonymously. A couple hundred signatures are not enough someone said. You're right. But it's a start. Welcome to your new reality. There are hundreds who voted against you. What are you going to do to correct the problem? We will not hate. In this pluralistic society, there is room for differing ideas. But with the helm of an organization responsible for the well being of all the labor force, you have a big job ahead of you. I offer to answer in good faith any serious questions you may have that would lead to the resolution of the crisis you face.

Friday, September 4, 2009

For the past three years a patriotic group of employees has informed the workers of the big swindle on Ajo Way. These freedom fighters have collected lots of signatures despite the fear of violence and vandalism from thugs. Unfortunately we couldn’t collect enough to rid RMS of the entire group, but hope lives on in a small fight living within the Cal-Tech petition.
On August 31, 2009 a notification was sent to the union from the National Labor Relations Board that a significant group of Calibration Technicians are attempting to win their freedom from oppression by disassociating themselves from the Labor union that has failed to represent their skills for the past decades. We believe this action is legal because the majority of Calibration Technicians have expressed a desire to not be controlled by the union.
The union hopes the NLRB will toss aside this band of freedom fighters, but the problem they have is there is one small instrument of law in the way. That will be tested in the coming weeks, and we'll see if the group is as insignificant as the union claims. Regardless of the outcome, the Decertify Committee plans to continue on our quest to remove the entire bargaining unit from RMS, not just the Cal-Techs. If the Cal Techs succeed, they will be an example to the rest of us on how to finally defeat this goliath that has held us down for so long.
If you know a Calibration Technician who is in the union, ask him why he pays an organization that systematically reduced his earning power by over four thousand dollars a year, while raising other classifications six to eight thousand dollars beyond their skill value. If you know of a Calibration Service Technician who is not in the union, thank him for resisting the onslaught of brainwashing propaganda and for standing up for what is right. When you see union members who have expressed hatred for non unionized employees, let them know that this is one of the reasons you don't support them, and that their attitude is unwelcome.
The only way for the union to quench the flames our quest is to rectify the injustices in pay in writting. Also they must provide reparations to all RMS Employees whose cars were damaged during a period after the strike where a spike in reports of vandalism occurred.
They officially open negotiations with Raytheon on the 5th of October, 2009. Anyone dissatisfied with the union may at that time submit resignation paperwork to both the Company and the union so they may free themselves of the financial burden of the ridiculous dues they charge the working man. It only gets worse in January.

In the Spirit of Liberty,
Superbia Parti