Monday, July 27, 2009

Nekid Chicken

Happy Monday IAM933! It's nice to see some scrapping still going on here. How many of you have gone over this blog and read the past issues? I would like to get you caught up with a few links.

Socialist Trolls
Run to union Prosperity!
Rat Party on Ajo Way!

This should help you get caught up. Feel free to read more. And tell your friends. The Android doesn't want to have to repeat repeat himself himself. Some of you clowns cant get over my picture. So lets take a vote. Should I get Lyposuction or have my stomach stapled? LOL..I can't wait for some of the responses on that one! Moving on to more substantial matters.

Last Friday Agent Smith sent a mysterious message to this blog.
And then A.S. apparently sent e-mails out to a few special people.
He encrypted the message in such a way that it caused a lot of
concern. Some of the recipients have taken that e-mail as a veiled or direct threat. I see it came from a nekid chicken.

He tried an elaborate method to hide his identity but failed to
deter his revelation. Using his kind words as a guide, I decided
not to directly uncover who Agent Smith might be in Public...yet.
We know this individual is quite politically active and has friends in high places.

Unfortunately for him Authorities have been contacted about this
cryptic message he sent out. If we figured who it is, then surely the authorities would find out easily. It's one hundred and three degrees outside, but you must be a cold wolf.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Rebellion at Raytheon!

There is a Rebellion among the workers at Raytheon! It’s a fight Labor VS Labor. It’s a fight for what's right within the confines of Air Force Plant #44. Our union is scamming the workforce for profits. This union systematically fleeces the technical trades at RMS to spread your wages around the lesser skills that have majority voting membership. The only reason they do this is to raise their own income. Machinists, Testers, Calibration Techs, and WIPS, etc. all had better wages relative to lower skilled workers at Hughes back in 1994. Take a look at your contract booklets and see for yourself. The wages have shifted over twenty percent in favor of the assemblers in 15 years. I don't care what lame excuse the union has for this problem, the fact is they fleeced us.

The jerks who say we know nothing about negotiations better know this; The company pays for labor at an average pay per worker, and negotiates based upon the entire cost of labor as a group averaged. It's the union that has the heavy hand in setting wages of the individual work classifications. They must fight to keep within the threshold set by the company for the pay of the entire group. But they have the biggest role in setting the wages of individual classifications, as long as the average pay is within Company limits, and the Company isn't totally screwed because the union offsets the pay so much that they can't hire targeted workers.

So you union big shots better know this. We're on to you. We plan to tear down your house because you have ripped us off. We're tired of the lies and the false promises. You call us greedy when YOU, in fact, are the greedy company stealing money from the working class. We know we can get better pay without you, because you've depressed our pay so much, it’s become obvious. And for two decades you have made false promises, with the secret intent of raising the low skill jobs pay so much that it doesn't even pay to get the promotion to Tester! Machinists have been held down because you can get so much more money from Assemblers union dues. You've ruined the natural promotion incentive within the Company. Who wants a promotion when you can make as much money doing lesser work? And those lesser skills are paying the union coffers. What a scam!

Jimbo forgot that He is charged with representing ALL classifications, even if only one worker from that class is in your union. If you fail to do that (and you have), then you loose your charter. And The Decertify Committee is just the group to take your charter away. Signatures are pouring in now. Union members are signing up too. They know you guys are broken, and they want to abandon the sinking ship while there is time. Some of them aren't sure that we are right, but they know the union is wrong. Everyone knows IAM933 doesn't have the courage to speak up and answer the charges on this forum. You have no balls. Jimbo admitted it. For almost three years we've asked for a dialog. The only decent response we get is from Jeff. Jeff isn't from here, but at least he has attempted to represent. The rest are the occasional lunatics with slogans. Jeff should be happy he doesn’t suffer this local lodge, because he would be on our side if he worked here.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

A rusty relic of last century

Recently, one of our supporters had a visit from a pair of IAM933 union business representatives at his house. He sent a note about the meeting. If you think the union is working for you, wake up! Contrary to what many people think, unions are NOT just some benevolent charity—A union is a business and today's union bosses need new members to fund their failing businesses. It’s a rusty relic of last century. Below is an account from the meeting with Jimbo & Steve.

The other day, the union came knocking on my door. It was Jim Watson, & Steve Taylor.
When I answered the door, I had no idea who these 2 guys were. Even after they introduced themselves, it didn’t even ring a bell until they said they were from the union. So they asked me, what my beef was with the union… I told them that they were the reason I wasn’t making more money! I said that no matter how hard I worked, the company could not give me a raise. I told them that I wanted the right to negotiate my own pay raises. I said that it was simply incredible that an Assembler was making within $1 of what a Tester was making…. I said, the metrology test was 6 hours, the Product test exam was 4 hrs, and what was the assembler test… 1 hr??? I said my 19yr old son could do the assembler job, with no training, yet they made within $1 of what a tester makes. Unbelievable!

Since the contract of 1994, the pay increases for Assembly Techs has outpaced Calibration Techs by over 20%. A proportional change is true for Testers too. The Company has allowed the union to rip us all off. The union did it, and their Constitution and Preamble say to do it. They are stealing from the higher skills, and they are accusing that the Company did it. You Cal Techs are stupid for supporting the union. The Testers quit long ago because they don’t support these Cronies. Skilled Workers need to push back and demand union reparations for the past 15 years of injustice! Look at the pay scales of 1994. If your pay increased at a lesser ratio than other groups since then, you are a victim of union gerrymandering. Pay ratios should be the same as they were back then. I suggest you quit the union and put massive pressure on them to pay you back. If these clowns are ripping you off, then threaten to quit because you are tired of letting the “voting-block” push you around. Don’t let them lie to you that the Company did it. That did not happen. It is in the Business Rep’s interest to manipulate the wages the way they have done over successive contracts. It enriches HIM. Now his pay exceeds $92,000 per year. Does yours?

More notes from that meeting.
Jim mentioned the “Website”
(, saying that he would not argue his points on our Internet web blog. I told him that I was not involved in the website (he isn’t), but that I agreed with pretty much everything that was said on it…Somewhere during this conversation, he mentioned that he would sit down with anyone, over a cup of coffee and discuss all of the things I had talked about… even call him at home… at which point I looked thru the pamphlet he had given me for some phone numbers. There was one, the union hall number… he told me he could be reached at that number.

So Jimbo finally admits he can’t debate this in a public forum. He knows his position doesn’t hold water. He would prefer we go down to his union hall with a peanut gallery to heckle the opposition. It looks like he can’t handle the heat of an open debate. Afraid to let his word meet the scrutiny of public opinion. His offer of a chat & coffee sounds harmless, but the problem with that offer is its not going to get any results. He’ll just tell us “I’ll try to do whatever I can to address your complaints” without actually doing anything. He’s not obligated to do anything, even after he promises action. As a recently settled NLRB case shows, the union is not obligated to tell you the truth because they are internal matters to the union, and you have no right to oversee them. See Govt. document: .
So who represents whom in this situation?

Jimbo, it’s hard to debate facts. This is the real reason you wont come on here and put your position to the people. If you can hide behind the lack of communication about our website, you stand to gain by continuing your lies and rhetoric. But the cat is out of the bag. Your members are increasingly reading our websites. We encourage your members to send in petitions even if they stay in the union. Lets put your union up to an old fashioned vote! Yes you stay, or No! You go! Union Members, join the fight for democracy in Raytheon. Send in a signed petition! Let the masses speak up. Tell others about this site. Tell others about the rebellion. Together we can do more! WORKERS ORGANIZE!

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Unjustified Intimidation - The Scab List

Is the Salaried VS Labor fight a noble one? The Communist party focuses on class struggle. So does the IAM 933 local union. I borrowed some of these ideas from Wikipedia and tossed them in with my own because it sums up the union’s motives. That forces me to think of my steward and other unionists who claim to be so “conservative” in their thinking, but how they inspire militant socialist revolutionary reforms at Raytheon. These guys are so “pro bush, pro God, pro guns, etcetera” right-wingers who can’t stand the thought of Obama, Madonna, or Michael Moore. If you are in this union, you support socialist revolution. Do you understand this?

Over the past two years you may have read comments on this blog about the similarity between the union and communists, or socialists. What is the difference between socialism and communism? Socialism is a society ruled by workers, and Communism is a classless society. Socialism is merely a phase that society goes through on its way to Communism. This is a utopian concept that never works in reality. The USSR proved it.
For more info, you probably should read Wikipedia on Socialism and Communism. It’s not a perfect source, but it’s great for use at this level of discussion.

The history of all society until today is the history of class struggles.
Freeman and slave, patrician and plebeian, lord and serf, guild-master and journeyman, in a word, oppressor and oppressed, stood in constant opposition to one another, carried on an uninterrupted fight that always ended, either in a revolutionary re-constitution of society at large, or in the common ruin of the contending classes. The UAW ruined the auto industry in America. Our union through striking tried ruining the Company’s fortune through the mutual ruining of its own working class, leaving only the union itself standing unscathed. This method is in keeping with militant socialist ideals.

You the worker are merely a pawn of the machine that is trying to wield power over the Company by forcing it to do the union’s will. You are expendable to the union, and your sacrifices mean nothing to them, illustrated by the fact that they will disown you if you crossed the strike line, even on the last day. They will keep a list of you who crossed, even years from now, there will be names kept on a list for the inner circle of the union.
Now the “deserters list” has been found. And it was found on Company Computers! Actually a number of lists have been found. Maybe there are more. But be certain, the union has been keeping a list, and we have a copy of it. It’s been copied a few times and shared. Maybe it’s making the rounds among the workers by now. Are you on it?

What does this mean to you the worker? The union bombards us with messages that we can’t trust the company. “We’ll get shat upon as soon as the union is gone,” they say. But we all know this is the shattiest union in the world. They’ve proven they are not worthy, but we collectively keep them because of the fear we’ll be helpless without them if they go. We trusted them over the past and they’ve failed us miserably. Dr Phil would ask “Has it worked so far?” So why do we continue to invest in them, when we know the results will be failure?

Since we can’t trust the union, then the only thing we can look at is the logical next best thing. The workers who have left the union, and the labor ranks and who have joined the ranks of the salaried workers. These are the very people we will become like if we get rid of the union. Or we can look at the RMS Security folks, who some five years ago, removed the IAM933 from their ranks. Are they happy with the results five years later? Do they want the union back? I’ve asked several of them the same question. They’ve given me a resounding NO! If there are any RMS Security personnel out there who disagree with that comment, please respond. You can even write the webmaster at of you would like a dialogue.

The bottom line is, we can’t trust the union. They’ve proven that. They claim we can’t trust the Company. Ask a salaried worker what they think. Pull them aside and ask them off the record. Don’t compromise them. Give them the liberty to express themselves so you can get an honest answer. Let the chips fall where they may. Ten times out of ten, you will get a response that doesn’t support the union. No one will force you to accept the truth. It’s just there waiting for you to accept it.

So what about the scab list? What good can come out of that? Are you on it? Did you rejoin the union after you crossed the line last time? What kind of member do they consider you to be? Maybe you should wonder if you are on that list. What will they do if nobody is looking? What would they do if this wasn’t a right to work state? Isn’t that unjustified intimidation?