Monday, May 25, 2009

Run Run Run! Jump to union prosperity! Hurry!

The union has no balls! They just have slogans. Scare tactics to keep the money pouring in. Now there is a rebellion going on and it’s about time. If only they could send us rebels to the banish hole! In the perfect socialist dream nobody would challenge their lame ideas.
Here is a collection of union slogans to review. IAM933 teaches their people to repeat these slogans to get people to fork over their money like the rest. If you join this union, you will fall into their hole. The proof is in the bottom dollar. See illustration.

Recent IAM slogans fall into one of six basic categories. Lets examine them.

1. “At will employment”: read here “At will” sounds scary to the ill informed. Until you read Arizona Law.
2. The company won’t negotiate with you, nor give raises. Ask ten thousand salaried RMS workers if that’s true. They’ll laugh in your face!
3. Get rid of IAM and the Company will take away everything! Salaried workers have not lost a thing, so the Company has a record of proving the union wrong. Oh yea, it’s illegal in Arizona to “take away wages” without a demotion.
4. The Company will replace you with others for less! Aerospace workers are in limited supply. They can’t replace us, especially for less pay!
5. Everyone should make the same wage. No they should not! People should make what their skill entitles them to, based upon the need within the hiring market. Stalin sold the idea of equal pay. Look how well that worked. UAW Ruined US Autos. Will IAM ruin the Aerospace industry?
6. You need us to protect you. You need that like a hole in the head. The union is a greedy business, they need your money and free servitude to function. Why else would they let the sluggards remain in the membership?

“Jeff” has hung around to challenge us. He disagrees with our position against his union. He repeats these same slogans because he is a salesman for the union. Either he knows his words are propaganda for socialism and condones it, or he is a useful “tool” of the union by spouting off without fully understanding what they mean. Either way, the evidence is clear. This union is a money sucking leach. Below are some of Jeff’s words. Read them & follow the numbers to match the slogans:

-If you feel the salaried ranks are such a good spot to be, then get a salaried job. But wait, that would lead to employment at-will. So be careful. 1 , 6
-"Right to work for less" state. 1
-The company will not give out raises or anything if they do not have to per a collective bargaining agreement. 2
-Once again, get rid of the IAM and the company will walk all over you. Taking away money and benefits. 3, 6
-Lose the IAM and you WILL lose money and benefits. 3, 6
-The company will seek out people that will be willing to do your job for LOTS less. 4
-I foresee the company taking away wages, benefits and working conditions. 3
-The only way the workers have been able to keep wages, benefits and such is by standing together as a united front. 2, 6
-You think you are such the great worker that the company will fall apart without you. That they can not find someone out there to do what you do for less money, no 401k or match, no pension and as few other benefits as possible. 4, 6
-And then they will try to make you all the same classification so they can pay you LOTS less. Grunt 1 and Grunt 2…4, 6
-Personally I have no problem with what others make where I work. The company WILL go out and find those people willing to work for less. It will happen. 4
-And if I needed the job, I would be one of those people to move in and take yours for less wages. 4
-I would prefer to get a GWI for the entire bargaining unit with no classification raises that a smaller GWI with classification raises for a few. 5
-The company loves when their workers are not united. 6
-They know that with a divided work force there are a ton of things they can do and get away with; from changing policies and directives to offering little in the way of wages and benefits during negotiations. 6
-Without a Union these things would have been done without most people even knowing about it until it was too late. 6
The union is a farce. When you hear these lines, you know they came from the Wipisinger school of socialism. They ask you to join so you can make change, but their constitution prohibits you from making good changes to the union. Once you join, you are boxed in by their rules. Don't believe it? Read their Constitution . The only good answer is to remove them and start fresh.
There is still time to get rid of IAM933. But if we get into Negotiation Season, then the window of opportunity will have past to Oust the union until 2012. If you want to sign the petition, but have not felt the impulse to do so yet, get motivated. Visit to get a copy of the petition and mail it in today!
Oust933 !