Sunday, October 25, 2015

A Rusty Old Wheel

Despite the Company's worthy offer to the workers at Raytheon, the leaders at IAMAW lodge 933 attempted to convince their members this contract offer was a bad deal, and that they should consider rejecting the offer. THAT, after negating to communicate truthfully how they were negotiating with the company for the past two months. The few remaining members you do have don't trust you for honest representation Mr. Martinez. Thats why they voted to ratify this contract over your objections. The rest of us see you for what you all on Ajo way are; a rusty old wheel that has seen better days.

Monday, September 7, 2015

Happy Labor Day! It's all about the Money!

It’s been a pretty good summer for the IAMAW. $15.00 an hour wage protests are popping up all over the country and the president is handing out concessions to labor all over the United States in the form of overhauled overtime requirements, modification of infractions policy for companies that outsource work to contractors, and expanded sick leave rights. 

Fast forward to Raytheon Contract Negotiations, scheduled to kick off this fall. For starters, it looks like the local lodge is falling behind! Most unionized workers are working for 3 dollars an hour less than they should be, a result of the failed contract of 2003. Your union never did go get that lost pay raise back for you. This will be the fourth contract since then and it doesn’t look like they will fix it this contract neither. As a matter of fact, it doesn’t seem like your union is doing much of anything. They plan to fold their hand with the company again, just like last time. But could you cough up 3 hours a month?

Has your steward come around to you asking you to join? Ask him when he plans to get you that pay raise they “redistributed” 12 years ago. Ask for back pay from the union. They owe you 10% of your wages cumulatively since 2006. Ask him why hamburger flippers are worth $15 an hour, but your wages stagnated? Why do our custodians make less than fifteen dollars an hour? 

Why do we keep believing in this good for nothing union? They’re all about the money. Your money.

Thursday, April 30, 2015

Mayday! May I have another?

We celebrate another Mayday in the Old Pueblo, and our mothers at the union are cooking up their old tricks to steal your money again this fall. This time they plan to dismantle the Machinist's trade, and redistribute the money around the lower pay grades at the expense of the other classes. Are you ready to see the union tell you "The Company" wants to do away with certain trades within the machinists, and they want to combine the skills. Of Course, they want to pay the low skill schlubs the high dollar that the metrology and Tool and Die Makers get. You know what that means for the rest of us? NO Pay Raise, again, like 2003! Oh, maybe there will be, but it will be small, because they are going to take money that you WOULD HAVE gotten in a GWI, and redistribute it to them. How's THOSE Socialist apples for ya? If you complained about the 2003 contract when you got no raise, then stand up and fight these peckerwoods about this one, because BOHICA! Happy Mayday! Oh, and Happy Mother's Day Too!

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

No IAM! You voted for CHANGE, and Got It!

When the Union voted for Change in 2014, they really meant it! Wow, they are on a down hill run real fast. They've lost their web site, and some URL hawker has purchased it and loaded it in the Virgin Islands! It's going to cost Mr Martinez to buy it back. Lucky for him, the value is real LOW!


How much of a chance does this group of clowns have at getting you a good contract this fall? I hope you like Obamacare! Don't even dream of them getting a raise. Word has it that this union is going to reduce the machinist's trades and give a fat raise to the illiterate at the expense of the rest of the work force...again!  Didn't you guys learn in the contract of 2003? The union is looking to bargain again, and what did you get out of the deal? Oh yea, pass through language! Bend Over, Here it Comes Again!