There are a lot of people who talk big in the comments and are quick to poke fun at John. He's a really good guy, the kind I'd like to have my back. He's having the trials of Job right now, but I believe that Jesus will pick him up when he comes to the end of himself. And G-d will restore to him everything that the locusts have taken from him (whether he deserved it or not). Remember: the grace of G-d isn't grace if you earn it.
Have you done ANYTHING in support of the decertification or in support of the union in the last 3 years? Were you so boisterous as to wear an anti union button or collect signatures for the petition? Unless you've done something you have no right to whine. Grow a pair already. Did you take the first step to be hated by nearly everyone at Raytheon by circulating a decertification petition? Did you man up by standing on the picket lines with your enemy? What single significant thing have you done your entire life, besides raise a beer in the air in support of some pathetic football team that can't even make it to a bowl game?
The problem with the union isn't so much with the leadership as it is with the workers who won't take a stand either for the union or against it. They won't even bother to sign the petition after we did all the work to get the petition to them. They wouldn't even download it and mail it in anonymously. But these same slackers believe SO much that the union is necessary that they won't even join the union either. Give me a break. Learn this lesson from Jesus who said, "I know your works, that you are neither cold nor hot. I could wish you were cold or hot. So then, because you are lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will vomit you out of My mouth."
The union leadership sits across the table from people who daily exercise their skills at "influencing" people. They hire, fire, and sell millions of dollars of product to people who are really big wheelers and dealers. They take classes continually to hone their skills. These big shots were hired because they were at the top of their peers in negotiating capability. What chance do you think that these union leaders or YOU for that matter have to get anything of substance from the negotiations. I for one have a healthier respect for their dilemma. Why don't you go try out your far superior skills tomorrow. Go down to the bank that holds your mortgage and convince them to drop your rate 2%. Let us know how that goes.
What are you going to bring to the table? Imagine you are on the negotiating committee next go 'round and you spend 3 months putting together some excellent data to back up pay increases for the professional employees. Mr. Big takes one look at it says 'that's interesting" passes it back to you then starts out with "we need to cut medical benefits by 20%". Unless you prepare for every conceivable roadblock you won't have a viable comeback, and then it probably still won't matter.
These union dudes aren't that slick. Their skills top out at assembling hardware. I'm not knocking them. They probably do what they do better than I can, but they don't have negotiating skills. They probably buy the first car some guy shows them on the lot. Even I've done that before. I've gotten a little smarter over the years, but not much.
Right now apathy is at such an all time low in America, no one wants to get involved in anything they just want to sit around and whine. Nothing fires them up. Even when innocent babies are killed by abortion, even when Obama stacks his cabinet with Socialists, even when the Federal Reserve has deliberated stolen Trillions of dollars of your wealth and mine, people sit around turn on the tube and veg out. They won't get involved in anything. They quote either from the left or from the right whatever the latest talking head has said on their favorite news channel. They haven't even figured out that the Republicans and the Democrats work for the same off shore bankers and those bankers can pay big bucks to sell you or I on the next big war or the global warming scam or any other scheme that they can get you worked up over that will make them money and keep you preoccupied with things that won't save a singe soul from hell.
So excuse the Decertification Committee for seeming to sell out. We gave it our best shot for the past two negotiations. You all OBVIOUSLY love this union. So excuse us for trying to work with the union to make things better. Maybe they will blow smoke up our booties tomorrow and waste our time. I however choose not to whine. I choose to fight to make things better for me and my fellow professional workers.
I choose to stand for SOMETHING! G-d calls us all to create justice and make this world a better place. He made us all stewards of this world, and it is in such a mess because no one takes the time to look around and realize that their apathy has caused all the suffering and destruction around them.
"The soul of a lazy man desires, and has nothing; But the soul of the diligent shall be made rich." Proverbs 13:4