Saturday, June 20, 2009

Socialist Trolls and the things they say!

Socialist Trolls and the things they say! Enjoy! :-)
Funny thing, this document has been rolling around on my hard drive since December of last year. I wouldn't call our good buddy Jeff a troll, but the stewards in the factory love to repeat these slogans. Is it a coincidence or is it brainwashing by the union? Our union calls us freedom fighters Rats! Why would a Rambo pay $1000 a year to the union so his pay can be held down by $4000 per year? Who's the rat?

A union is only as good as the members that are in it.

The union is governed by its constitution. Members are practically barred from making changes to the existing document. Good people joining the union doesn’t change it, it changes the people. Unionists should check out their own constitution! Local 933 is one of the most pathetic unions and cannot be helped by vocal members who want change. Only disenfranchising the union will get the changes we need in the 21st century.

Without the union, you are at will employees of the company, with no contract, in a right to work (right to make a low wage) state.

I love this “At Will Employee” tearjerker. Arizona has some of the toughest right to work laws in the country when it concerns employee protection against tyrant employers. Your union doesn’t tell you that. Must I remind all of us that there are over ten thousand employees here at RMS without benefit of a union contract? I see their wages just suck royally, NOT! They don’t need a union, and YOU don’t need a union. The union NEEDS you to pay for its fat-cat lifestyle. Who’s paying whom? RONA was lost by local 933! Jimbo got almost $92,000 last year off your dues!

If companies treated their employees well and with respect, paid them a fair wage and benefits, then there would not be a union at their work place or an attempt to form one.

The reason some employees don’t get any respect is because they SUCK! Bad attitudes, lack of effort, milking jobs, and filing frivolous grievances are all are valid reasons why union types get looked down upon. Their reputations are built upon years of under achievement here.

If the unions disappear you people will be working 80 hour weeks at $10.00 an hour and have no benefits.

If unions disappear, union bosses will be working for $10.00 an hour and have no benefits, because they wont work for a living. Instead they milk your hard earned paycheck. Don’t fall for this stupidity check. Ask a non-degreed salary worker if they get ten bucks an hour with no bennies! Many of them left the union for their salaried jobs.

Management will work you to death and fire all who won't work 7 days a week.

Whoever said this is a complete idiot. They really have no respect for you or your intellect. This is a mantra coming from the religion-cult of the union. Worship is on Sundays at the union hall! Would you like grape or cherry Kool-Aid?

If you want to change the union, join it!

No thanks, we’ve already changed the union for the better, and we plan to change it for the best come October 31 of this year. By that time, we’ll be union free, and able to negotiate for ourselves what the union has taken from us for the past 57 years.

These are just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to jargon and brainwashing techniques employed by the delusional leaders of the union. A special thanks to all the other web sites out there that support removing the union from RMS. and any other ones I have failed to mention.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Be careful - don't fall!

Welcome back fans & foes! Here’s a lighter message for the masses. The union placed you way up high to get your dues support, and you are basking in their hypocritical sunlight. If you took the bribe then you are a fool with your money and trust. Be careful, don’t fall! I hope to keep the comments coming in. It looks like our pen-pal Jeff (GOIAM) has left us. What a shame. He was the only intelligent one who had balls enough to come defend the union’s position. And he’s not even from this union. He’s still wrong, he's still socialist, but at least he has some manhood. Our local union lacks courage. This is one of the reasons why we don’t want them. Not only are they stupid, they have no machismo about them. They smell like hairspray and talcum powder. None of their officers or representatives came on here to publicly defend the IAM933 way of thinking. They are afraid to get into an argument with a ghost! And they wear those rat buttons as if they were some sort of protective amulet or something. What a bunch of weaklings!
This June we are getting into full swing of the Petition Season. We wish to decertify this bumbling union before contract negotiations take place. To decertify the union, we must turn in our petitions to the NLRB between 90 and 60 days before the present contract expires. That is the Law. The NLRB needs petitions two months early to let them set up an election before contract negotiations. If the election decertifies the union, they will cancel negotiations, period. The company will then convert into having all of us under salary guidelines. If you are sick of this group of fools determining your pay, send in your signature now. I wish to thank each and every one who has gone to the trouble to send theirs in early. It’s working! Encourage your friends to send theirs in too.
I’ve been complaining for a while about how this socialist organization lives on the backs of the working class. Now I’m going to show you again. Here are highlights from the union’s annual LM-2 Form for 2008. It’s one of the same documents posted on except it’s the latest one! Look at where the money goes over at the union! It looks like Lori is the only one that earns her pay. Jimbo and Steve get excessive pay for what they do. And look at all those thousands of dollars going to the anointed seven!
John Catalano Cond/Sent $2,722
Elizabeth Hunter Trustee $2,885
Meicheile Juve Rec. Secy $2,560
Louis Martinez EBoard $2,980
Ramon Rodriguez Sec-Treas $1,860
Victor Duarte EBoard $1,470
Darron Stafford EBoard $2,824
Lori Jenness Office Staff $47,351
Steven Taylor BR $74,148
James Watson DBR $91,966
These guys making thousands of extra per year aren’t feeling the pain like you did in 06. At this rate, they will make their whole strike loss back by this year! Are you willing to fill their wallets with your money? Fight Back! Quit and Sign the Petition Now!
Remember the vote back in Nov 2006 and Jan 2007?For union members these numbers look pretty familiar. For the rest of us, this sums up why union moral is low.
Contract Vote on 5 November 2006:
1140 – reject 106 – accept -- 1246 – votes total
1018 – strike 111 – opposed -- 1129 – votes total
Capitulation Vote on 14 January 2007:
766 – Yes, 186 – No, 200 – members crossed – 147 – unknown?
The 2008 LM-2 shows union membership. This year they reported a two percent increase. This is total membership within all companies they represent.
Total Members/Fee Payers 1,688
Regular Members 1,188
Retired, Life, & Exempt Members 480
Unemployed Members 20
With the AIKIMA Corp on the Air Base joining the ranks of the union, it looks like they succeeded in conquering that organization, and the employees within it. It doesn’t show how their levels within RMS have changed. But they have tricked some of their former members into rejoining their group. Poor fools, I guess they’ll never learn. They need to come down off the ladder.