Sunday, March 29, 2009

Union Hate

Two weeks ago the Eastside Serial Slasher attacked a Raytheon worker. It hit all the papers and news channels. A horrible crime committed, and the victim was left in a pool of blood to die, but for the help of others at the scene when they arrived minutes later. That Raytheon worker just happens to not be a member of the union. What unfolded after news reached the manufacturing floor opened a Pandora’s box that shocked factory managers.
Oust 933 has been saying for years now, that this union preaches hate. It sells odious rancor and profits from the venom is sews into the hearts of its victims (members) every few Sundays at Ajo Way. The manifestation of that hate revealed itself with the words uttered by one of the union’s militant tribesmen to another willing minion of the school of hate.
“That’s one less scab we need to worry about.” Poison words that pissed off most everyone who heard of the comment, including a majority of the union members within the factory.
So another worker was heard to have reported the comments to the managers. This took unreal courage and a noble spirit. To place one’s conscience above the syndicate is an act of nobility. But then the trouble started. Those two offensive unionists who were morbidly joking about their coworker’s demise were sent packing to god-knows-where. Banished from the work center. Sent to work in the salt mines at Rita Road. Good Riddance!
So now this leaves the union in a touchy situation. They can support these sleaze bags that embarrassed the “good brotherhood” or they can choose to oust them for being so inhumane. My money is on them condoning the scumbags. Union members, if you find this disturbing, then rise up! If good union workers don’t force the union leadership to oust these lowlifes, then you are part of the problem. Add this one reason to why I want this union banished from the workplace.
It’s a filthy cabin full of unwashed disgusting hate mongers who rule by fear and intimidation. You poor fellow workers who feel you must belong to the union to protect your job, may God have pity on your soul. Prove me wrong…kick out these louses or accept them along with their message of hate in solidarity. The floor managers at Raytheon are in shock that some of their workers stoop this low. They are naïve to the hate that this union has preached over the past two and a half years. We’ve been telling them since all along. Now they know it’s true.
And on a completely different note:
A new dues structure was approved. Effective 2009, monthly dues are two and one half times your base pay per hour per month. Effective 2010 those dues go up to 3 times! Isn’t it sweet how the union talks about the dues increase using the Custodian’s paycheck? “For example: A Custodian that makes 10.00 an hour will pay 25.00 a month for 2009….in 2010…dues will be 30 a month.” Why don’t they use an Assembler’s paycheck with more than twice the pay of a Custodian to exemplify the new dues rates? Does 62 dollars a month for dues sound like it’s too much for any members? How about 75 dollars a month for other workers? That’s what your union has done for you in 2010. No RONA, No 9/80s, No Merit pay. How deep into your pockets do they need to go before you say “Oust 933!!!”

Sunday, March 22, 2009


The union president believes we are a small bunch of naive anti-union workers! If we're so insignificant, why dedicate the front inside page of their January Newsletter to an argument against us? "While millions of workers see the obvious benefits of unions, these miss guided souls want to replace collective bargaining with individual begging" Ed Quintana Jan 2009.
Mr. Quintana would know about begging, because that's just what he did to get back into the company in January of 2007. He and the rest of the union leaders begged the Company to let them in, and make it look like they saved face. The facts are the union LOST the last contract negotiation, because they followed the guidance of the national union, and their socialist directives. They struck because they have no WORD. They sought vengeance for the contract of 2003, plain and simple. Then you workers took it in the shorts.
Edward continues his position by claiming..."the company continues to look for ways to give our work away to engineers, sub contractors and NAPI." He thinks the company is wrong by hiring others to do the work that they wouldn't, couldn't or won’t do. The union isn't faster, cheaper or better." Your union has corrupted the minds of workers and made their work slower, less cost efficient and of less quality. They taught contempt for the Company, and for their co-workers. This has a corrosive effect that shows in the quality, quantity, and suitability of our product. They don't respect their non-union coworkers, or the management.
When you all hired on at Raytheon, you were very thankful of the job that you got. You didn't need a union to get you the position. The pay you got was strictly a convenience of Raytheon, not your union, as they would have you believe. Now Edward says that you should give up more of your pay to him because you are seasoned loyalists to his regime, and have lived through the stupidest of strikes. He wants you to perform the self-sacrifice while he follows the path of Bobby M. up the trail to get his share of the regional pie. Most red-circled employees are without pay raises because the union forgot you in 2003.
But Ed charms you with phrases like..”maturity, foresight and self-sacrifice that will carry us through to successful negotiations, growth, and a brighter future...." Horsefeathers! He just wants to keep you padding his payrolls. He wants you to talk US into joining his merry band of victims. "Let us continue to carry our message to the hundreds of hourly (victims) workers still not in the union." Let us sign up the qualified (have paycheck?) applicants, build our (My) union, save (the union) and prepare for the coming (end) year. LMAO! Edward you are naive! You play an old socialist song.
Give us non-union workers the same opportunity the salaried people have, and we'll outstrip your pay-raises and brighter future by a long shot! Tell Management you want to break the labor camp apart, those who are in, and those who are out. Those who remain with the union are in. The rest of us will gladly go "begging" for our pay & benefits. We'll also get RONA, performance based pay raises and a fair chance to opportunity that your silly union makes impossible because of its confrontational attitude.
Better yet, maybe all you union folks should join us in canning this union so you can see for yourselves what a little hard work and loyalty to your employer might get you. It’s much more than "hope for a brighter future in the years to come".

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Thrown Out

With all the chatter going on throughout RMS these days about the union, it's a wonder more of us aren't talking about the President of the Union's 5 Day Adventure! Posted on our Union Shadow Box in late February was a note from the President about what NOT TO DO if you didn't want an unpaid vacation from the Company.
Apparently he's been taking his PTO without getting prior approval from his boss. The company has a rule about this, and the supervisor is required to have a chat with the worker about it when violations become evident, and need correction. I guess that chat didn't serve as enough warning to Mr President, as he continued to do as he saw fit. So the Company gave him a five day sabbatical to think about it's rules.
Mr President, I'll tell you as my steward told me, "why don't you just quit?!" Its obvious you don't like working here. It's apparent that you hold the company in contempt. Maybe you could just quit the union and come to our side of things. Work for a living, and show that you love supporting the company that makes the finest missiles in the world for the best darned Army, Air Force, Navy & Marines on the planet. Everyone I know says you're a wonderful guy. But your union is a sham!
The petition to decertify the union is going on right now at Go there and follow instructions. Its easy, its painless, its good for you, and its good for America.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Re-Recruiting in a failing union economy

I'm on my way to work this Friday, my wife and I are talking about things in Bld 801 when she mentioned the area unionist approached her and asked her... "if she was ready to rejoin the union and no longer be a freeloader. Dont you know all these benefits you get are from the union", etcetera. One of her replies was "those benefits were already here when I joined. I had no choice but to accept them as a term of my employment."
The conversation went back and forth over the virtues of re-joining, and she came back with the reply "I've already tried things the union-way, and I didn't much like it. I've moved along now, and gave myseslf a pay raise!" "You guys didnt much care for me after I came back to work, but now you want my money and loyalty? No thanks."
This ended the conversation. But not before her boss overheard half the chatter, and asked if everything was cool. She told her boss that the incident was unwelcomed and that she would report it to her manager personally. And so she did. I haven't heard the managers reply yet. Supervision is looking for incidents of stewards and unionists recruiting on the floor.
If you are a victim of re-recruiting, contact your floor supervisor.