Two weeks ago the Eastside Serial Slasher attacked a Raytheon worker. It hit all the papers and news channels. A horrible crime committed, and the victim was left in a pool of blood to die, but for the help of others at the scene when they arrived minutes later. That Raytheon worker just happens to not be a member of the union. What unfolded after news reached the manufacturing floor opened a Pandora’s box that shocked factory managers.
Oust 933 has been saying for years now, that this union preaches hate. It sells odious rancor and profits from the venom is sews into the hearts of its victims (members) every few Sundays at Ajo Way. The manifestation of that hate revealed itself with the words uttered by one of the union’s militant tribesmen to another willing minion of the school of hate.
“That’s one less scab we need to worry about.” Poison words that pissed off most everyone who heard of the comment, including a majority of the union members within the factory.
So another worker was heard to have reported the comments to the managers. This took unreal courage and a noble spirit. To place one’s conscience above the syndicate is an act of nobility. But then the trouble started. Those two offensive unionists who were morbidly joking about their coworker’s demise were sent packing to god-knows-where. Banished from the work center. Sent to work in the salt mines at Rita Road. Good Riddance!
So now this leaves the union in a touchy situation. They can support these sleaze bags that embarrassed the “good brotherhood” or they can choose to oust them for being so inhumane. My money is on them condoning the scumbags. Union members, if you find this disturbing, then rise up! If good union workers don’t force the union leadership to oust these lowlifes, then you are part of the problem. Add this one reason to why I want this union banished from the workplace.
It’s a filthy cabin full of unwashed disgusting hate mongers who rule by fear and intimidation. You poor fellow workers who feel you must belong to the union to protect your job, may God have pity on your soul. Prove me wrong…kick out these louses or accept them along with their message of hate in solidarity. The floor managers at Raytheon are in shock that some of their workers stoop this low. They are naïve to the hate that this union has preached over the past two and a half years. We’ve been telling them since all along. Now they know it’s true.
And on a completely different note:
A new dues structure was approved. Effective 2009, monthly dues are two and one half times your base pay per hour per month. Effective 2010 those dues go up to 3 times! Isn’t it sweet how the union talks about the dues increase using the Custodian’s paycheck? “For example: A Custodian that makes 10.00 an hour will pay 25.00 a month for 2009….in 2010…dues will be 30 a month.” Why don’t they use an Assembler’s paycheck with more than twice the pay of a Custodian to exemplify the new dues rates? Does 62 dollars a month for dues sound like it’s too much for any members? How about 75 dollars a month for other workers? That’s what your union has done for you in 2010. No RONA, No 9/80s, No Merit pay. How deep into your pockets do they need to go before you say “Oust 933!!!”
Oust 933 has been saying for years now, that this union preaches hate. It sells odious rancor and profits from the venom is sews into the hearts of its victims (members) every few Sundays at Ajo Way. The manifestation of that hate revealed itself with the words uttered by one of the union’s militant tribesmen to another willing minion of the school of hate.
“That’s one less scab we need to worry about.” Poison words that pissed off most everyone who heard of the comment, including a majority of the union members within the factory.
So another worker was heard to have reported the comments to the managers. This took unreal courage and a noble spirit. To place one’s conscience above the syndicate is an act of nobility. But then the trouble started. Those two offensive unionists who were morbidly joking about their coworker’s demise were sent packing to god-knows-where. Banished from the work center. Sent to work in the salt mines at Rita Road. Good Riddance!
So now this leaves the union in a touchy situation. They can support these sleaze bags that embarrassed the “good brotherhood” or they can choose to oust them for being so inhumane. My money is on them condoning the scumbags. Union members, if you find this disturbing, then rise up! If good union workers don’t force the union leadership to oust these lowlifes, then you are part of the problem. Add this one reason to why I want this union banished from the workplace.
It’s a filthy cabin full of unwashed disgusting hate mongers who rule by fear and intimidation. You poor fellow workers who feel you must belong to the union to protect your job, may God have pity on your soul. Prove me wrong…kick out these louses or accept them along with their message of hate in solidarity. The floor managers at Raytheon are in shock that some of their workers stoop this low. They are naïve to the hate that this union has preached over the past two and a half years. We’ve been telling them since all along. Now they know it’s true.
And on a completely different note:
A new dues structure was approved. Effective 2009, monthly dues are two and one half times your base pay per hour per month. Effective 2010 those dues go up to 3 times! Isn’t it sweet how the union talks about the dues increase using the Custodian’s paycheck? “For example: A Custodian that makes 10.00 an hour will pay 25.00 a month for 2009….in 2010…dues will be 30 a month.” Why don’t they use an Assembler’s paycheck with more than twice the pay of a Custodian to exemplify the new dues rates? Does 62 dollars a month for dues sound like it’s too much for any members? How about 75 dollars a month for other workers? That’s what your union has done for you in 2010. No RONA, No 9/80s, No Merit pay. How deep into your pockets do they need to go before you say “Oust 933!!!”