Sunday, October 26, 2008

Depths of Treachery

I hear the S word foaming up from the mouths of devout union loyalists. Unhappy minions repeat foolish things from the leadership that perk up my ears. Has anyone else heard the rumblings of an unhappy union testing the waters for another Strike!? Do these dummies even have the cojones to attempt a strike? Surely they know this would be the death nail in their coffin, even if our petition to removal them fails. This is better than I could ever wish for. Hundreds of unionists will quit and cross the line on the very first day. Go for it! I am all for the union striking. Lets see the bullies push their whole membership to the breaking point. Mr. Guth, & Mr. Rhinehart; push their buttons! Lets see if they can handle pressure. Watch them squirm. They're talking tough against us, but they are just an empty paper tiger.

Now that the union de-anonymized through the WIPO case they lost, it appears they have begun a campaign to burn the supposed author. He was turned-in to HR last week anonymously for "making a website on the clock from his workplace computer, ID Number So-and so." Hogwash! The company has been able to read his computer to prove it false. They said he writes He's doesn't write that page, period. Or any other web page while at work. But the accusation along with where it happened shows their depths of treachery. The accused works in a locked closed room with a high ranking union member. Duh!!! Union officers are too lame to debate on our forum, but they'll muddy up the water with accusations. Don't puss out, come to the forum and debate! Lets talk about next year's strike!

We also hear rumors that the union is "building a list" of people "unwanted." We're sure the owner of is one of them, but we know there are other untouchables too. They say "don't speak to so-and-so, he's persona non-grata." Hear us out members. Don't buy the blacklistings, at least until you've heard both sides. Read our pages, and think this through. All of you are old enough to make up your own mind without arm twisting. We've seen the stewards coming around your work benches putting high pressure out on the floor. We see them trying to muscle you. If they had such a good platform, they wouldn't need to pressure you, would they?

This union has been in power over you for 56 years. None of us voted them into power. We've never worked here without the union being in control. It's like living in IRAN with Sharia Law. Try a union free shop for twelve months for a change! Give Raytheon one year without a union to show it is either a good or bad employer. If the company is worse than the union, I'll help you bring the union back. But if the company is not the monster this union says, then maybe it's the union that is the monster. There is no reason why we cant try one time. Labor laws are so strong in the USA that you could always get the union back here lickity split. You have nothing to loose, and everyting to gain. The scare tactics this union uses against freedom are simply used to keep harvesting your monthly dues tax. Don't be fooled any longer. Remember the union failed to get you one cent of a raise from '03 to '06! Oh, and did you get anything for striking? Oh yes...a pin.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Grotesque Hypocrisy

I've recently been told that our fighting machinists have picked a fight against the owner of the website. He has come under hypocritical legal assault. Headquarters IAM has complained about his website address to the World Intelectual Property Organization (WIPO). To see a link to the case click this link: which was filed on the 3rd of September. Why didn't they attempt a cease and desist notice earlier? The union never wrote the webmaster of about this issue. The address is posted on the website for all to see. But no communication was ever attempted. They might have better results if they had gone about this differently.

It seems the union can't handle the heat of a few buckaneers telling the workers what's really going on around here. It's obvious to them that they are the minority at RMS, and they intend to railroad any attempt by courageous workers to put this petition to the people. We've asked them on many occasions to come to the web and debate with us. I've asked on this forum, and the owner of has a debate page asking for a healthy exchange of ideas. Since last November, the union has been asked to debate on . They chickened out! Their ideas don't hold water against the ideas of free minded workers. Instead of debate, they are trying to squelch us. They are using a Soviet Style lack of respect for freedom of speech. It's a total lack of respect for the voice of the workers. And another example of the unions coercive methods they use to keep control of the people they wish to influence.

We like the fact that they've resorted to the legal venues however. In other times, we could expect far more inappropriate methods of coercion. We will let the legal system sort this out. I think the 1st Amendment of the US Constitution trumps them on this case, and they're going to take the union's lawyer to the wood shed over it. Freedom of speech is a wonderful thing. Why, just recently the union posted a real nice video about it. . Isn't it nice how they pasted "Freedom of Speech" on the entire back wall of the stage in this short clip, but then try to censor free speech of the critic? Notice the date of the clip. This is a Grotesque Hypocrisy.

So here's the union's case. They think the workers here at RMS are idiots. They think YOU are too stupid to tell the difference between, and They say the websites are SO Close in name, that you the union member, or represented worker, would go to the web site disguising itself as the Union in order to lure unsuspecting viewers. The union says that the owner of the ".net" web site has fully incorporated the union’s IAM933 unregistered trademark into the domain name for the sole purpose of diverting Internet users from union’s web site to criticism site.

Excuse me? This means that the Grand Lodge thinks the web surfers at Raytheon can't tell the difference between the union's site and the critisism site. What kind of morons does the union think it represents?! This is a no brainer to me. If you are in the union, and you're fighting for respect, then you need to get respect from your union first! I interpret that they say workers here are too mentaly handicapped to find the web page desired.

Now the union thinks they have to right to take IAM933.NET because it's a protected trademark? Ehem, if you guys wanted to protect your UNREGISTERED trademark so much, why didn't you buy the web address
when it was for sale for under ten bucks a year last November? Why didn't you offer to buy it before the complaint blew up? Why didn't you buy when it was offered to you for 257 dollars only a few short months ago? Presently that site is owned by Transure Enterprise Ltd. of the Virgin Islands. It's still for sale folks! If the union wants to protect it's interests so much, why leave the trademark out in the open?

In my opinion, they don't care about their unregistered trademark so much as they do about stifling the oposition. They want free speech so long as that speech is in their favor. God forbid anyone stand up and speak out against them. God forbid the represented workers hear anything other than the mantra coming from the drumbeat of Vladimir Putin and Hugo Chavez. It's time the workers rise up and say enough! Enough of the double talk! Enough of the psychobabble. Enough of the union! It's time to OUST 933!